Friday, March 9, 2012

Move in.

    So At the time of this post most of our stuff is actually in the rightful spot, except for some boxes here and there. These pictures are from Saturday and Sunday. I am now posting pictures so that I can remember the moving and all the joys and box central that came with it. I mean our new place is great. Growing up is hard it's my first time away from home as I've said before, I miss our upstairs friends, and our neighbors. People aren't so friendly and no ones really gone out of their way to say hi to us, so I'm hoping church on Sunday is different...uh yeah about church *reminder find out what time church is *second reminder PLEASE don't be 9AM. I know that's more of a hope not reminder, in fact not more of a hope it Is a hope. So Sunday was our last day in our ward the one I grew up in, man that's nuts. A couple of people started talking to us about houses for sale, too little too late.
   Sunday we got home and put the TV up then went to the Lake, we walked around for approximately 5 minutes til we decided it was super chili and went back to our place luckily it was only a 60 second drive or that woulda been a major waste of gas. It was nice to live so close to the lake it will be especially in the summertime, I'm sure we'll go down there and hand out bread to Eli's relatives.. haha please tell me you guys got that joke. Read on for the answer if you didn't.
   After the park We went home and I made dinner (I even took a picture of that so I could remember our first meal at the apartment, Lame right? We don't have furniture so we ate on the floor, well actually on our couch, our home grown "couch" (see pics below) We watched a movie, and I don't remember what it was but I do remember that my behind and back were in pain from that wood floor. *ouchies* After the movie we zonked. My sleep was so good. I mean it's always good, but I just wanted you all to know I slept well:)
  Enjoy our pictures. Or don't enjoy them whichever you choose.

That's rice, Fool! and some weird shaped chicken and some bbq.

P.S don't feel bad about our no furniture (cuz i know you all were) We now have a bananna chair and a folding chair to sit on YAY!

P.S.S the answer to my question was Ducks! We can feel the Ducks!!

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