Sunday, January 29, 2012

To the Dynamite haters.

First, before you read this, just I realize my punctuation isn't great...but I'm not concerned. Now for this post that I've been wanting to do. I love Napoleon Dynamite, but when the cartoon came out like 7 years later I wasn't so sure about it. It took me two weeks til after it came out to decide that I would watch it because Eli was in the bathroom and I was bored. I AM SOOOOOO Glad I did. We've watched the first episode twice now, and it's funnier the second time. So excited for the new one I can watch tomorrow, (thank you hulu plus..wooo) Pretty much all of the characters are the same, it possibly could be better then the movie just because they have to keep the audience interested for 25 minutes, so they try packing all of the funny in that, my tune may change in a few weeks, but to all you haters or skeptics, just watch it, at least the first episode, it's great!!! I'm going to leave you with one clip that may possibly make you pee your pants, or maybe it's just my kind of humor, you decide.

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