Saturday, March 3, 2012

Moving time

So it's & am on Saturday morning and I'm posting from my iPod..What gives? Well last night we moved, rented a uhaul,packed up and left. Thanks to everyone that helped!! It went by faster then I thought, still took a while but it was fast. Mom got dominos last night. I'm normally not a fan of dominos but people.. It was good! Def ten steps up from when I previously had it and it tasted like cardboard with sauce. Up next unpack everything. Eek! This moving thing proved to be more difficult then I thought. For those of you that know we live(d) in my parents basement apartment, so basically all I've ever done was move from one room to the next. Well there was this time where I thought I'd move out and then I moved... WAIT FOR IT... Next door! Haha we moved using a wagon. And really I only moved half my stuff, so when the time came and I realized how silly it was and a few other though processes, I moved back with my rightful owners . Jokes I know I'm not owned by anyone. So back to why I'm awake early (for me)!on a Saturday blogging from my iPod. So last night after moving all of our stuff we were exhauated, after rewarding ourselves with some jamba. Eli realized he had some homework that he had done and needed to turn in by midnight. And we had no Internet connection, so we went back to the old stomping grounds. Is it too early for me to say that? And he mailed in his asignment. Yay hubs! By the time he got done we were both just ridiculous tired we decided to sleep here. We rounded up some blankets and slept on the couches that we weren't taking. Here were no extra pillows except for he really uncomfortable ones that are on the flowery couch so I used one. I woke up several times last night uncomfortable. And then early this morning with a crik or kink or whatever word used for ouchie mama my neck is sore one one side specifically. After waking up early I decided to blog, ran upstairs and dad as using the computer. Soo now my wrists are sore and I'm laying here uncomfortably blogging. For now I'm gonna get up put a couple more things in bags, like some food we didn't take with us, ice cream, milk and Hershey's kisses. Later were going to my boo boo's (nieces) birffday party. She'd prefer it if I didn't go, but I was invited so take that you little cutie petootie;) and I'm out....oh wife it's from the iPod you may have to forgive the extra spelling errors. There may be more then usual. Apple doesn't approve of the words I use at times so changes them on me, I tried catching them all but if ever your like "giirl say whaaa? " then clearly your ghetto and need to stop talking like that haha, just teasing I you find yourself saying that more then usual it's cuz of this dang casadilla iPod. Audios amigos! And welcome new friends!

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