Thursday, February 9, 2012


    First off I'd like to blogicly (publicly) apologize-- Brandon and Christy do not I repeat Do NOT watch movies about baldy teenage boys on Hulu, it was our other friend ..well we're pretty sure it was him and he lied to us about watching's not a big deal ya know just don't wanna give credit where it doesn't belong *tee hee* Second, Eli and I went to the movies on Monday, it was AWFUL! So back storey--in high school Eli and I went to movies all of the time and it was just a big waste of money (not to say we don't waste money still just not on things like $9.00 movies) So after we got married we decided to wait unitl movies hit the dollar theatre , except for special occasions. Monday was family night and Chronicle just hit theatres this past weekend, Duck boy was so excited to see it, so I said "okay let's go" I knew how bad he wanted to see it and he's such a cutie patootie, Oh by the way Duck Boy is my hubby. We went and saw Chronicle, the second it started my head went "awww crap" If anyone has seen Cloverfield, the filming is like that basically one kid is holding the camera the entire time, it's jumpy and you don't see the main boy a lot you just hear him, he's so whiny and pesamistic and his voice sounds like it's coming from the camera if that makes sense. The movie in my opinion was just dumb and I didn't really enjoy it until the credits started rolling. I saw 3 people leave and they didn't come back, I'm telling you. It got good ratings but I don't know how. If the filming was different I would have enjoyed it more but I just though it was boring until the last 10 minutes probably. Whoever is reading this might go see it and think this post is absurd, but really it's worth waiting for the dollar theatre.

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