Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy February 14th. Valentimes a random day for love 2 days before my birthday, so I get the extra lovin 2 times in one week...YIKES:D Today I woke up went in my kitchen and there was a rose in a vase for me. The vase we had the rose too, only they weren't put together, hha. We went to Tocanos on Saturday and they gave us the rose, so I laid it on our coffee table to dry out, and then Eli thought he'd be cute and put it in a vase for me "so it wouldn't die."
    Eli has school every Tuesday until about 7pm, today at work I had it all planned my mom put a roast in the slow cooker with some carrots and onions and this Catalina dressing (yeah mom helped me out a ton today!!)..yumm we LOVE this stuff! I was going to get off of work at 5 run home, make potatoes, decorate the house , light some candles ya know cutesie cutesie. ( Back story real quick we brought my car to the shop Monday night and some things  are being fixed, so I got a ride to work today and needed one home as well.) I'm at work and Eli calls me from school he says "Don't worry about finding a ride to work, I've arranged for one" I was pretty sure it was going to be my sister in law Sofi. I go on working and 5 o' clock rolls around, and I get a text from Sofi saying "i don't know if Eli told you but i'm giving you a ride home today, I'm running late" AHHHH crap I have plans I need to get stuff done at home, Also I'm going to be the only one left at work, and I get a little freaked, so I didn't want to be there forever. I'm thinking should I just leave with the girl now we can lock up and I'll start walking?? I was just worried so I call Sofi and asked if she thinks she'll be there by 5:30 she say's she isn't sure but will try. Right now the girl I work with stands up and says she's gonna leave. I call my mom and start freaking out to her about all of this, because I might not get home til 6. The girl that I work with was just standing there so I get off of the phone and turn around because I thought she had a question or something, then I see Eli holding a rose "Happy Valentimes!" I was soo happy! He got off out of class 2 hours early to surprise me. Smart? not so sure but sooo cute! We go to his car where there's more Valentimes candy and stuff. (yeah we know the word is Valentine btw)
    Now the only thing I'm worried about is how and when I'm suppose to decorate. We got home and I told Eli to play his game so I can clean a little , of course he jumped at that chance, I cleaned and in between went upstairs to work on some things and get stuff ready so I could bring it all downstairs in a hurry,  then when Eli started complaining about how hungry he is and that we should just go out to eat, I insisted that he go to the store to get us some desert and a love movie. I told him I'd think of something while he was gone to cook. I then decorated, I bought TONS of candles but turns out I don't know how to use a lighter or matches. ooops. I  got the food out of the oven and set it all up at our table, just after I was done, he came home and was so surprised. :D Yayya mission accomplished. I know he thought I wasn't going to get him anything because the other day we said no gifts or anything because we don't really have money. We broke that agreement, I bought a couple other things for him too.

   My Valentimes was amazing and I love saying Valentimes. Now that I've blogged and Eli's been up here playing drums for 20 minutes our tummys aren't so full and we can have desert and watch our love movie..'Crazy Stupid Love' to be exact, I wanted to see that movie forever ago, and was surprised he remembered. I hope you guys all had a great day with your loves or just your selves, or your dogs, or ANYONE!!
                                                           Blog to you soon!

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